Being trauma informed

Throughout my own healing journey as well as having worked with many clients from various backgrounds I came to understand how little all of us knew about trauma yet how much it affected every single one of us in our daily live and behavioural patterns. 

When I attended my Tamalpa life arts training in 2018 one of our teachers talked about trauma and listed experiences. She said for example: divorce is a trauma. I had never considered that. Of course it does not have to be but very often it is. 

At the end of the school year 2020/2021 the principle of my children's school made parents aware that our children might have been faced with trauma throughout COVID lockdowns and all the mask scenario. Many psychologists and therapists pointed out that the lockdowns took quite a toll on many children. 

My approach to life is one of simplicity, reflection, curiosity, compassion and healing. My healing journey was a bit like peeling an onion. Every time I thought I...

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Multilingual - How to liberate yourself from fear


This video is available in EnglishGermanCroatianSpanish on youtube. If you click on the language, it will take you to the video. The transcript is available in English and Spanish (scroll beyond the English version). You can quote this text as long as you link it to my blog and the source creator. A big thank you to my old college friends Isa and Inma for the translation into Spanish! 

As our planet is going through a lot of fear I have decided to share some practical tips on how to become aware of and liberate yourself from fears. As parents we have to assist our children in regulating their emotions and working through fears. When we are in survival mode we cannot be creative and living in fear means "being in survival mode". Many of us are working on co-creating a new world! Join us and share your creative genius with the world! 

Transcript English: 

Today, I would like to give you some practical tips on how to work...

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Future jobs require empathic skills and courage

"In the past, jobs were about muscles, now they are about brains, but in the future they will be about the heart." Minouche Shafik, director, London School of Economics, quoted in "dare to lead" by Brené Brown.

I am glad to see that I have been preparing thoroughly for the future :) Whether it is at the World Economic Forum, people in business or friends where ever I turn I see change and shifts and I hear people talking how our current systems or even schools are neither prepared nor preparing us or our children for the future.

Recently a friend told me about interviews at a bank. The expertise on the CV was not discussed as it was clear that the CV reflects the experience. What seems much more important now are the soft skills. Do people fit into teams and are they truly being a resource on multiple dimensions within the team? Have they got the right kind of communication skills? What is their focus in life and is self-development important to them? Do they have active...

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